Today marks the day that we celebrate the 10 year anniversary of Star Wars Rebels. It's wild to think about- I was in middle school when I watched the first episode, and now I'm graduated from my college. So much has changed since then, both in the world and my personal life, and it's still my favorite Star Wars after all of this time. And not only that, but it's still a major part of my life.
Star Wars Rebels has left an unquantifiable impact on my life. Visibly- it's in my clothes, my bedroom, my car, my cosplay this website and podcast uses Star Wars Rebels in its theming, but also in the less visible ways too. So many of my closest friends are people I met because of Star Wars Rebels, both directly and indirectly. When I moved across the country earlier this year, I picked a flight with layover so that I could hang out with Johna (Geeky Bubble Pod) on the way. Lizzy (Star Wars Geek Girl, Rogue Rebels) is the one who picked me up from the airport and let me crash until I moved into my apartment. Having Star Wars friends out here has made such a difference through a huge transition, making it much less lonely and scary than it could have been.
Star Wars Rebels- its visuals, its stories, its characters, its music, its everything- feels like home in a way that no other media- not even other Star Wars- does. It's a warm hug, an inspiration, and a lens through which to learn about both ourselves and the people around us. I've used Star Wars Rebels to help me navigate big changes in my life, whether it was moving to college, loved ones passing away, or even moving across the country. Whether it's through thinking about my situation in terms of those stories and characters, or even just popping on an episode to make myself feel better, Rebels has been a constant through these last 10 years, and I am eternally grateful for it.
I'm frankly too emotional to write this as long and as eloquently as this show deserves, but I will say that it is no exaggeration that Star Wars Rebels changed my life for the better. I am so grateful for what the show has brought to us, how it has shaped the Star Wars that has come after it, and the community that it brought me.
Thank you Rebels fans, and may the Force be with you.
