THE Podcast
Star Wars Geek Girl Podcast is a podcast started in 2015 when Zoe & Lizzy were 14 years old. They discuss everything Star Wars, but are especially fans of the animated series. Even more specifically, of Star Wars Rebels. Listen to the podcast to hear Zoe, Lizzy (and often, one or more guests) talk about their opinions and experiences with Star Wars.
Want to contact the podcast? Fill out the contact form at the bottom of the site or reach out at

zoe hinton
Zoe Hinton has been trooping in Star Wars costumes since age 6, and is now 19. She started as a jawa, though now is all in on her multiple Sabine Wren costumes. She's a lifelong fan of Star Wars and has continued that love into her career dreams, graduating from Temple University with a B.A. in Film and Media Arts. She loves podcasting and getting to share her passion for Star Wars with so many people. You can also see her featured on the web series Our Star Wars Stories.
You can contact her through the social media below or at
lizzy perales
Lizzy Perales has been trooping since they were 10 years old and is now 18. Starting off as a small padawan doing lightsaber shows with Saber Guild then costuming as Sabine Wren from Star Wars Rebels. Her and her family have been costuming as Star Wars Rebels characters since before the show came out. Their dad costuming as Kanan Jarrus, their mom as Hera Syndulla and their little brother as Ezra Bridger. Lizzy loves costuming for charity, podcasting and cooking. They graduated from The Culinary Institute of America in New York and their dream job is to someday be a chef at the Star Wars hotel in Orlando. You can see them featured on the web series Our Star Wars Stories.
You can contact them through the social media below or at